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  • ECA systems STEL Advantages

    Advantages of anolyte ANK generated by STEL devices

    Advantages of Anolyte ANK

    Advantages of anolyte ANK produced by STEL devices as opposed to other disinfectants have been proven by numerous studies, scientific reports and long-term experience.

    Anolyte ANK is an ideal combination of all properties each disinfectant must possesses:

    1. Anolyte ANK possesses high antimicrobial activity against all pathogens, including spores.
    2. Anolyte ANK possesses disinfecting and sterilizing properties.
    3. Anolyte ANK possesses washing capacity permitting to combine stages of pre-sterilization treatment and sterilization.
    4. Only Anolyte ANK with the same concentration of active substances can be used simultaneously as a disinfectant, sterilizing agent and as a medicine for local and external use.
    5. Anolyte ANK is a solution of universal purpose and is used both for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical instruments, and for general cleaning of premises, disinfection of equipment in health facilities, clothes, surgeon's hands, etc.
    6. Anolyte ANK does not develop microorganism resistance during any prolonged or continuous time period due to metastability of active compounds.
    7. Anolyte ANK is efficient against biofilms, even when used in low concentration; prevents from biofilm formation if used continuously, for example, for water purification.
    8. Anolyte ANK has a minimum class of toxicity (IV) for inhalation and enteral exposure, skin-resorptive and irritant effect is absent. Has an admission to use in maternity wards and children's institutions.
    9. Anolyte ANK can be used by rubbing, irrigation, soaking and spraying.
    10. Low concentration of active compounds together with anolyte ANK rapid action ensure absence of damaging impact on different material.
    11. Anolyte ANK is eco friendly due to absence of traces after treatment; active compounds of the anolyte self-degrade into fresh low-mineralized water.
    12. Anolyte ANK can be used for treatment of various objects – surfaces, medical devices and materials, equipment, water, air, food raw material and food products, plants, garbage, spots of infection of any localization and origin.
    13. Anolyte ANK can be used for cleaning in presence of patients.
    14. Anolyte ANK is ready-to-use solution which can be easily obtained in necessary amounts by means of STEL devices at the places of operation and use.
    15. Anolyte ANK low cost as compared to other disinfectants is the evidence of its cost-effectiveness and short payback period.
    16. Anolyte ANK can replace over 99% of all disinfectants used in medical and healthcare centers ensuring high level of disinfection.

    Advantages of STEL devices

    Advantages of STEL devices over any other electrochemical plants consist in possibility of obtaining electrochemically activated anolyte and catholyte, qualitatively superior many times to analogs in all parameters. This is achieved using the flow-through electrochemical modular elements MB, Bakhir modules (previously – FEM elements) in patented technological schemes. STEL devices have the following operation advantages:

    1. The degree of technical excellence of STEL devices of the third generation permits to obtain a unique anolyte ANK SUPER with oxidant concentration 500 mg/l, mineralization not over 0.5 g/l, total absence of ballast substances due to 99.9 % salt conversion rate.
    2. STEL devices satisfy any demand for anolyte ANK, as their anolyte ANK generation capacity is 10 to 1000 l/h. While operating in automatic mode, devices can continuously generate and store anolyte ANK in storage containers.
    3. STEL devices are easy to operate and maintain, and do not require any special prolonged training of medical personnel.
    4. The use of STEL devices fundamentally changes the working conditions of maintenance personnel due to the absence of hypersensitivity reactions because of non-toxicity of anolyte ANK as compared to all other disinfectants.
    5. STEL devices are space-efficient, and can be installed at any site equipped with water and power supply.
    6. STEL devices can be installed at any vehicle to obtain the necessary amount of anolyte ANK at the place of use, which is very important during emergency situations, unfavorable epidemiologic conditions, when vast presence of infection must be eliminated in presence of humans, etc.
    7. STEL-ANK-SUPER devices of new generation can work on a closed container with a volume from 10 to 10 000 liters and produce the necessary concentration of oxidants from 500 to 5000 mg / l (5 g / l).