Limited Liability Company "Vitold Bakhir Electrochemical Systems and Technologies Institute"
The only company in the world is a developer and manufacturer of electrochemical technical systems and elements of Vitold Bakhir, as well as technologies of production and application of electrochemically activated solutions in all industries for the benefit of mankind and nature.
Creation and development of new electrochemical devices, systems and technologies, carrying out research and development, solving technological problems of companies in any industry, consulting.
Consultations, technical support, installation, sale of AQUACHLOR, ECOCHLOR, STEL, AQUATRON devices, industrial IZUMRUD devices, etc.
+7 (495) 774-62-26
+7 (495) 774-86-68
+7 (495) 737-59-29
+7 (916) 678 60 51
Detailed information on electrochemical activation, electrochemical technologies and systems, scope and experience of their application you can learn at following sites: